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What does Body Image mean?

Body image is the image of your body, like size, tall, short, chubby or skinny. Many people feel uncomfortable about their body image, this can lead to many mental health issues and disorders, like depression, eating disorders and eating behaviours.

The causes of body image concerns are due to people bully or making fun of people who may not be the body type that is thought to be "good".

Effects of Body Discrimination 

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Self Anxiety

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In Australia, it is estimated that 45 percent of people suffer from depression. In one year around 1 million Australian adults suffer from depression. When people are discriminated based on their body, mainly teens start to get depression and this can lead to suicide and self harm.

Self anxiety is when people are insure about how others see them, for example how people view them in public, they are self conscious about everyday situations. Self anxiety can be caused from teens discriminating other teens based on their body image, as self anxiety is mostly common between teens.

Bipolar is the metal illness where people can have mood swings ranging from depressive lows to maniac highs. This can be caused by offset of depression and can lead to suicide and self harm as you can change moods in a instant. It is most commonly developed as teens or early 20s.

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